Qualified Worker Programme
This programme is intended for employers that have been operating in the Czech Republic for a period of at least two years, have settled obligations toward the state, employ at least six people and want to employ applicants who are citizens of Ukraine, Mongolia, the Philippines, Serbia, Montenegro, Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan or India in positions listed in the central registry of vacant positions that may be filled with employee-card holders in the CZ-ISCO 4-8 classification. Applicants included in the programmed are guaranteed the possibility of submitting an employee-card application and are addressed by the relevant embassy or consulate with an assigned date for such purpose.
Applicants (with the exception of those from Ukraine) are included in the programme on the basis of the employer’s request and generation of a unique code.
Submission of applications for inclusion in the Qualified Worker Programme:
There is no legal entitlement to participation in the programme.
More detailed information, criteria for inclusion in the programme and forms are available in the annexes below.
All personal data of applicants will be further used solely for the purposes of the Qualified Worker Programme.
Contact: afc-visa@czechinvest.org, +420 296 342 405